started at 2020-08-14 19:38:02 and ended on 2020-08-14 19:39:12

19:38:02 : Yagdrasil attacks Yagadrazzul.
19:38:05 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the crotch and hurts it.
19:38:09 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the right foot and hurts it.
19:38:14 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the right thigh and irritates it.
19:38:20 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the right thigh and hurts it.
19:38:30 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul pretty hard in the right foot and irritates it.
19:38:33 : Yagadrazzul cuts Yagdrasil pretty hard in the chest and irritates it.
19:38:36 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the right foot and irritates it.
19:38:36 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the right thigh and hurts it.
19:38:39 : Yagadrazzul cuts Yagdrasil pretty hard in the left thigh and irritates it.
19:38:45 : Yagadrazzul cuts Yagdrasil pretty hard in the chest and irritates it.
19:38:54 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the right thigh and irritates it.
19:39:07 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul pretty hard in the right thigh and irritates it.
19:39:12 : Yagdrasil cuts Yagadrazzul hard in the right foot and hurts it.
19:39:12 : Yagadrazzul dies.
19:39:12 : Yagadrazzul dies by the hands of Yagdrasil.