started at 2020-07-25 20:14:14 and ended on 2020-07-25 20:15:36

20:14:14 : Ventus attacks Rintin.
20:14:15 : aged sly troll mauls Rintin extremely hard in the stomach and harms it.
20:14:23 : aged sly troll mauls Rintin extremely hard in the left thigh and harms it.
20:14:32 : aged sly troll mauls Rintin extremely hard in the left thigh and harms it.
20:14:42 : aged sly troll mauls Rintin extremely hard in the right underarm and harms it.
20:15:23 : aged sly troll mauls Rintin extremely hard in the left thigh and harms it.
20:15:36 : aged sly troll mauls Rintin extremely hard in the stomach and harms it.
20:15:36 : Rintin dies.
20:15:36 : Rintin dies by the hands of aged sly troll.