started at 2020-08-04 18:42:09 and ended on 2020-08-04 18:47:17

18:42:09 : Homoale attacks Pallihomo.
18:46:01 : aged troll mauls Pallihomo extremely hard in the lower back and harms it.
18:46:15 : aged troll mauls Pallihomo extremely hard in the chest and harms it.
18:46:29 : aged troll mauls Pallihomo extremely hard in the chest and harms it.
18:46:49 : aged troll bites Pallihomo extremely hard in the left calf and harms it.
18:46:49 : aged troll kicks Pallihomo hard in the left thigh and irritates it.
18:46:49 : aged troll mauls Pallihomo extremely hard in the left calf and harms it.
18:46:59 : aged troll mauls Pallihomo extremely hard in the left thigh and harms it.
18:47:11 : aged troll mauls Pallihomo extremely hard in the top of the back and harms it.
18:47:17 : aged troll mauls Pallihomo extremely hard in the left shoulder and damages it.
18:47:17 : Pallihomo dies.
18:47:17 : Pallihomo dies by the hands of aged troll.