started at 2020-07-29 22:55:25 and ended on 2020-07-29 22:56:31

22:55:25 : Hildebrand attacks Germanicus.
22:55:26 : Hildebrand pierces Germanicus hard in the right thigh and hurts it.
22:55:29 : Germanicus pierces Hildebrand very hard in the left hand and hurts it.
22:55:34 : Germanicus pierces Hildebrand very hard in the left underarm and hurts it.
22:55:35 : Hildebrand cuts Germanicus very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
22:55:38 : Germanicus cuts Hildebrand very hard in the chest and harms it.
22:55:43 : Germanicus pierces Hildebrand very hard in the left underarm and hurts it.
22:55:49 : Hildebrand cuts Germanicus hard in the stomach and hurts it.
22:55:52 : Germanicus pierces Hildebrand very hard in the left underarm and hurts it.
22:55:53 : Hildebrand pierces Germanicus very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
22:55:56 : Germanicus cuts Hildebrand very hard in the chest and hurts it.
22:55:58 : Hildebrand cuts Germanicus very hard in the left hand and hurts it.
22:56:05 : Germanicus pierces Hildebrand hard in the left underarm and hurts it.
22:56:10 : Germanicus pierces Hildebrand very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
22:56:14 : Germanicus pierces Hildebrand hard in the chest and hurts it.
22:56:16 : Hildebrand pierces Germanicus very hard in the right underarm and hurts it.
22:56:20 : Hildebrand pierces Germanicus very hard in the right hand and hurts it.
22:56:25 : Hildebrand pierces Germanicus very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
22:56:28 : Germanicus cuts Hildebrand very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
22:56:31 : Hildebrand dies.