started at 2020-08-21 18:32:58 and ended on 2020-08-21 18:36:15

18:32:58 : Dragowilliams attacks Parthak.
18:33:03 : Dragowilliams pierces Parthak very hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:03 : Parthak pierces Dragowilliams very hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:03 : Dragowilliams pierces Parthak very hard in the right underarm and hurts it.
18:33:07 : Parthak pierces Dragowilliams very hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:12 : Parthak cuts Dragowilliams very hard in the left underarm and hurts it.
18:33:13 : Dragowilliams pierces Parthak very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
18:33:16 : Parthak cuts Dragowilliams hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:17 : Dragowilliams pierces Parthak very hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:22 : Dragowilliams pierces Parthak very hard in the right underarm and hurts it.
18:33:25 : Parthak pierces Dragowilliams very hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:26 : Dragowilliams pierces Parthak very hard in the left hand and hurts it.
18:33:30 : Parthak pierces Dragowilliams very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
18:33:31 : Dragowilliams cuts Parthak hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:39 : Dragowilliams cuts Parthak very hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:33:39 : Parthak pierces Dragowilliams hard in the stomach and hurts it.
18:33:39 : Dragowilliams cuts Parthak hard in the left underarm and hurts it.
18:33:44 : Parthak pierces Dragowilliams very hard in the stomach and hurts it.
18:33:44 : Dragowilliams cuts Parthak very hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:36:15 : Dragowilliams dies.