started at 2020-08-12 18:23:33 and ended on 2020-08-12 18:25:01

18:23:33 : Baconbatteryone attacks Unicornhunter.
18:23:38 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the stomach and harms it.
18:23:49 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the left underarm and harms it.
18:24:11 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the left thigh and harms it.
18:24:14 : Unicornhunter kicks Baconbatteryone lightly in the chest and slaps it.
18:24:17 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:24:23 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the right underarm and hurts it.
18:24:28 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the left thigh and hurts it.
18:24:34 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the right underarm and hurts it.
18:24:39 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the chest and hurts it.
18:24:44 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter hard in the chest and harms it.
18:24:48 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter very hard in the right thigh and harms it.
18:24:53 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter very hard in the chest and harms it.
18:24:57 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter very hard in the left underarm and harms it.
18:25:01 : Unicornhunter dies.
18:25:01 : Baconbatteryone mauls Unicornhunter very hard in the stomach and harms it.
18:25:01 : Unicornhunter dies by the hands of Baconbatteryone.